Thursday, January 2, 2014

Isotretinoin/Acnetrex 40 pills so far...

So, as I mentioned in my previous post, I'm currently on Accutane (Isotretinoin).

The truth is, I was quite surprised to have been prescribed the medication, since my acne's nowhere near as bad as those who have taken it. I do get the hormonal (cystic, unfortunately) breakouts now and then, two to three weeks before my period starts, but nothing as red, angry, and widespread. I suppose my condition would be labeled 'mild to moderate' acne, and apart from the few scars, and the occasional breakout, things are pretty much under control. I've found a skincare line I'm compatible with (VMV's ID range, btw) and I've practically sworn off foamy/bubbly cleansers and facial scrubs in favor of cleansing balms and lotions despite how oily my skin is.

My skin's far from perfect, but it's also not that bad, I guess. The main reason I went in for a check-up with the dermatologist was to get rid of the clusters of whitish bumps on my chin. They normally won't bother me, if I don't pay it too much attention, but I would be happy to see them go.  Anyway, I was lucky enough to have my mom cover the appointment and some of the other expenses for me, so I agreed to go :)

ew, tho. :p

According to the dermatologist, I have hyperactive oil glands (sebaceous gland hyperplasia), so they're not actually zits, just very clogged pores, because of the hyperactive oil glands. Initially I was expecting something like cauterization to burn off the bumps, which was why I got kind of surprised when my dermatologist suddenly asked me to get blood work done. Turns out, she was going to prescribe accutane. The difference, however, is that since I don't have severe acne, the dosage would be quite low (20 mg/day: 10mg twice a day), and the treatment not that long (around 2-3 months at the most).

Here's my progress so far:

I'm quite happy with it so far, but it's not without its drawbacks. For one, I couldn't remember the last time I was so dependent on lip balms. I need something as emollient as carmex to feel relieved. On my first week, I also caught a nasty flu which just made things worse, because my skin, along with the inside of my nose has been dried out. This led to getting nosebleeds out of nowhere, and since I also had a cold to go along with the coughing, it also meant I had to blow my nose quite frequently, so my nose was quite red and raw for about a week. +__+  Reading alllllllll the side effects also made me a bit paranoid, especially the stuff having to do with liver damage and suicidal tendencies. Fortunately, apart from my skin drying up, I haven't experienced any of the other side effects, like joint pains, or decreased night vision.

Speaking of dry skin, I never experienced having skin this dry before. It's not that I miss my oily skin all that much, but damn... I've been slathering on moisturizers and sunscreens, and the skin around my nose and my chin still manages to flake and peel; it's also been kind of red lately. Anyway, since I don't think I have enough brains to explain the pros and cons in lengthy paragraphs, have a bullet list:

+  I use fewer oil films
+  My pores look smaller
+ The bumps seem to be steadily shrinking
+  I went out without makeup for the first time (in forever? :P) and didn't feel so self-conscious
+ It seems I can go for a day without washing my hair.

- It's expensive (one box costs Php 1,500+)
- If you're oily-skinned, like me, you will need to replace most of your "for oily-skin" products, to "for dry-skin" products (in other words, it's expensive)
- All the side effects, especially if you're taking a higher dosage
- Redness and peeling
- I think my hair's getting dry, too

Neutral/ Precautions:

  • Isotretinoin isn't an OTC drug; apart from a prescription, you'll have to sign a waiver that says your dermatologist has informed you of all the risks involved. You won't be able to purchase more than the amount of pills prescribed by your dermatologist, since the drugstore will keep a copy of your prescription.
  • It only seems to be available in Mercury. Watson's doesn't carry it
  • Drink a lot of water, maybe even more while you're on the drug.
  • Carry a lip balm at all times (seriously)
  • Accutane, apparently, can't cure hormonal acne. I had a big, cystic one appear on my chin two days ago, although it does subside much quicker than it normally would.
  • I'm actually wary of wearing makeup, now that my skin's peeling because I'm afraid it might get more irritated. So while it's kind of okay that I got to go out bare-faced, I actually would like to wear makeup :P
Anyhoo, that's it for today. Will be posting another update soon-ish about my current regimen. 

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