Saturday, January 18, 2014

Isotretinoin Update- 73 pills down, plus some product recommendations

So, I'm finally on my second month of taking Acnetrex/ Isotretinoin. I've so far consumed 2 boxes of 30 pills each and I'm now on my third one with 17 more gel caps to go. Also, that's around Php 5,000++ including an additional check-up to see how my skin's doing, and some dermatologist-prescribed formulations.

 Progress seems to have slowed since I last got my period. I had a cystic breakout on my chin, near the left corner of my mouth and while it healed much more quickly than before, it did leave a scar/ bump which is taking time to recede.  There have also been episodes of redness and peeling around my nose and my chin area, although I suppose that was to be expected. On the bright side, I hardly have any blackheads now ^_^  I can also go a whole day without having to blot my face, especially now that the temperature's a bit cooler. On the other hand, I think my skin's gotten thinner and it reddens so easily. It's perfectly peachy when I wash my face, but it does turn into an irritated shade of red once I swipe the medicated toner all over my face. It does subside in around half an hour or so, but it's still quite inconvenient especially when I need to go out. I've decided to stop wearing makeup while under treatment, since the meds seem to have sensitized my skin quite a bit. My usual 30-45 minute routine of putting on my face has been reduced to a quick 5-10, as I only need to put on moisturizer and SPF after the cleansing and toning.

I did find it strange that my dermatologist never mentioned moisturizer, initially, and even made me stop putting it on when I showed her the skincare products I used, but since I'm stubborn, (and I do have that tendency to think I know better, sometimes) I started using it again when I noticed my skin becoming too dry. I honestly didn't see the harm, since people who are on a higher dose slather it on like it's going out of style. Besides, it's supposed to work internally by shrinking my oil glands, so I don't really see how a topical treatment would impede that... and she did prescribe me a moisturizer after the follow-up check up when she noticed my skin peeling; the only difference is that the moisturizer can only be purchased in her clinic, since it's her own formulation. :P Sorry, but no.

I'm enjoying the benefits so far, and maybe a bit too much, since I sometimes skip bathing when I feel it's too cold (sorry, TMI)-- one of the perks of working from home, I guess. But I did notice how emotional I've become lately. I don't know if it is counted as a side effect, like depression and suicidal thoughts, but I normally only become this touchy when I'm PMS-ing (and I'm not). I also get achy joints, now and then, but nothing too extreme. I'm hoping that my dose doesn't get any higher, and that I would finally stop taking them after February, since it's burning a hole in my pocket.  I've watched some videos of people who have also used/ are currently on Accutane/Isotretinoin, and they did say that the acne returns after some time, but the breakouts won't be as bad as it was, pre-Accutane. I don't know if my skin will eventually return to being the oily mess that it was, but I do hope the ugly white bumps won't return.

Anyhoo, for those who might stumble across this post, here are some of the things I use to cope with the dryness:

For Removing Makeup:

-Lush Ultrabland
-VCO (Virgin Coconut Oil)

*use these like you would a cleansing oil, and gently wipe it off with a damp, warm towel after gently working it in to dissolve your makeup


-Physiogel/Cetaphil (always rinse off with lukewarm water)
-Lush Ultrabland (--love this!)
-Lush 9 to 5 (much, much lighter than Ultrabland and can be used without water, too-- although I'm personally not comfortable having it sit on my face)

*Celeteque Dermoscience Hydration--(something, the name's too long ) or Neutrogena pure mild facial cleanser.--Use these if you want something that lathers a bit. I did stop after a while, because I found it hard to rinse off.

Lip Balm:

Carmex-- I swear, after two weeks on Isotretinoin, the lighter formulations don't work on my lips. I used to just put stuff like Maybelline Baby Lips, and Nivea but they just don't cut it anymore.


-VMV Hypoallergenic's Armada line --SPF 30's enough, if you just stay indoors like I do, but if you go out I'd suggest going for the higher ones...

(I love you VMV, but you will be the death of my wallet ;_;)

Exfoliation -- (And I'm honestly iffy about recommending this, but anyway...)

-Cure Aqua Gel-- If the flakes bother you, like it does me, I would recommend this, since it isn't a scrub. My skin also doesn't feel raw after I use this, and I find it actually helps with product absorption after I've rinsed it off. It does come with a high price tag though, but I've had mine for 5 months so far, and I still have a third of the bottle to go. It's definitely worth it.

If you're wondering why there aren't any recommendations for toners or moisturizers, it's because the toner I'm using is the one prescribed by my dermatologist. As for the moisturizer, I'm currently using the one from VMV's ID line; it's oil-free, and not drying, but you might be more comfortable with something richer/more emollient. As for spot treatment for existing pimples, I'm quite sure your dermatologist would also give you something for that.

So, that concludes the lengthy post. Who knew I could babble so much, eh?

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